Monday, May 11, 2009

Adobe Photoshop Elements And The Smart Brush Tool

The Smart Brush tool in Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 combines the Quick Selection tool (Elements 6) and adjustment layers; it offers a quick way to adjust, enhance, and add effects to your photographs and is located in the Full Edit area of the Editor.

When you click on the Smart Brush a menu pops open showing nine categories of nearly 70 effects that can be applied to your photo. It's great because all you have to do is make your choice from the list and simply paint over the area you want the effect to be applied. After you begin drawing your initial selection the tool automatically switches to the Add to Selection mode. To remove any part of your selected area you can hold down Alt on your keyboard and paint away the parts you want to get rid of.

Just how does it work? If you take a look at the Layers palette, you'll see that an adjustment layer was created-in our example, a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer-along with the layer mask that accompanies adjustment layers. The area you selected is shown in white on the mask, thus revealing the effect. The black areas on the mask are hiding the effect.

To edit the effect, you can either double-click the adjustment layer in the Layers palette or you can double-click the red adjustment pin located in your selection on the image. As long as the adjustment layer is one supported by Adobe Elements, the dialog box for that adjustment layer will open and you can make any changes you wish.

Please take note that some of the presets were actually created using an adjustment layer included in the full version of Photoshop and not in Elements, so you won't be able to edit these effects.

The very latest tips on leaning photoshop and elements editing software along with simple to follow videos. You will be provided with the first steps to get to grips with learning Photoshop tricks and you will build up your confidence as an Adobe editing software user.
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Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 Tool Tips

Adobe Photoshop includes some very exciting tools that even Elements beginners can use to good effect. The top 3 tools that you need to get to grips with first are the Smudge, Blur, and Sharpen tools that are perfect for editing minor blemishes from a digital image.

The smudge tool function helps to add special background and foreground effects to an image, such as blurring the foreground into the background or by blurring the background into the foreground. This allows you to edit images that may be out of focus or if there is an irritating shadow that you need to get rid of. The blur tool can be located by right-clicking on the smudge icon, and allows you to slightly blur a photo should the image appear too sharp, just as the Sharpen Tool, located in the same way, can be used to make a photo sharper should it be blurred.

The burn tool allows you to edit an image to a darker tone, and will also help to reveal highlights and detail in an over exposed photo. The Dodge Tool is located by right-clicking the burn tool icon, but this tool will perform the exact opposite, by making a photo lighter, bringing out details in shadowed or under exposed parts of the image.

Another great editing tool that is also located by right-clicking the burn tool icon is the sponge tool, which allows you to saturate or de-saturate a photo. Saturation is making the image brighter and more colourful whereas de-saturation will dampen the color to make it a bit more dull. You are also able to switch foreground and background colors, for extra special effects that will make you digital photos look unique. This tool allows you to interchange the background color of an image to be the foreground color and vice versa.

With just the click of a button the Adobe Photoshop Elements software will change the colors around for you. You can play around with the colors to create some really awesome images, such as setting your background to red. Then you can write over part of the image in the same color, by simply clicking on the icon and Adobe Elements will change the colors around, allowing you to write in red on the image.

These are just a few of the basic tricks a tips that will help you get to grips with the basic tools of Adobe Elements software,
Did you enjoy this article? Curious about learning Elements fast? Well now you can by reading this free report...what are you waiting for?